Saturday, October 3, 2009


WebPages have continuoysly been written, edited and popularized. Blogging, being a relative novelty in contast to the Internet, has hence expanded into a culture having severe impacts on legal, political and psychological aspects of society. Deriving from the people’s contemporary need to access, maintain and control content the following blog is not aimed at providing an online diary version of subjective thoughts and thinking, neither is it business- or anvertising-oriented.  It is however a mere combination of a photo- and a commentary blog, purposing to introduce and discuss various issues of society at large, particularly the one I am from – Bulgaria. Since the role of citizen journalism has become quite essential to media development and expansion, I find it is a form of duty to point out ceretain issues and raise certain topics and questions that could lead to a solution of a certain problem or to its simple prominence. However if anything published or written is considered inappropriate, incorrect or simply discouraging, the readers are urged to comment and offer their own ideas.

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