Monday, November 9, 2009


"Beginning of the end for communism" - adequately headlined by the London Herald on Saturday, 11th of November, 1989, just a couple of days after the fall of the Iron Curtain. Much has been written, filmed and stated since then. Breaching the 'Berliner Mauer' marked without a doubt a concrete medial moment of unification between the two worlds - the Eastern and the Western, grown to have different political, economic and cultural perceptions and values. Presently, just twenty years after Günter Schabowski´s inadvertent public statement, triggering the destruction of The Wall, peoples commemorate the demise of a regime, threatened to spread its tentacles globally and dominate over political and cultural relations.
 However, as far as contemporaneity is concerned, Berliners would not simply gather in front of the Brandenburg Gate to mark the end of prolonged political depression, but also to acknowledge the Western (U.S. in particular) capitalist zenith. Awkwardly enough this anniversary comes at a time when global subordination is not political, but economical. And this is precisely what American capitalism is all about! 'Freedom of information!', 'no barriers and travel restrictions!', 'high range of possibilities!': all of the latter are predominant slogans of the post-1989 world. True or counterfeit?! 
Anyone educated enough would contemplate those 'high range of possibilities' as enlarged forms of restrictions, the free flow of data as an obsolete statement and the lack of barriers as highly dependable on finance. This hence forwards the thought that 'The Fall' of political ideology is substituted with the monetized one.
The truth of a matter is that money sound stronger than words and that people cannot feed on blank statements. This reasons the fact that nowadays people tend to be less unobtrusive and easily adaptable to "the good stuff" than ever before. Few complain against the current state simply because inattentively they have been bought. The contemporary maxim states that everything and everyone is accessible as far as money is concerned. Consequently today's commemoration will not recall the end of poverty and sufferings, neither will it resemble the beginning of freedom and unification. Because the Iron Curtain still stands, invisibly, only that it has been slightly moved to the East into Ukraine. Today will celebrate American psychological and  financial domination and success over the globe, which again leads to demoralization and imbalance but the kind sustainable by economy and the Church. The 'Westerners' don't promulgate the latter, like the Soviets did, but silently stimulate it through various institutions, amidst which a huge bite goes to the media. The Russians didn't fail because they had weak political leaders or an outdated lifestyle, but because they didn't target the people's wallets, the people's conscious and the people's right to faith.

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